Organising a real economy

The materiality of the real economy is enormously complex and diverse, ranging from wild nature, through so-called domesticated nature (the 'second nature' of 'the economy', to the weird sphere of digital means. We weave all this in relationship together, through practices of subsistence work, within the doughnut. Zone: ¿2subsistence Landscape: §3aesthetic Family: Prosthesis

Organising the real economy - Subsistence work


Here we outline a basic threefold division of attention within living economy: three distinct fields of material provisionng of means of subsistence and wellbeing. These three categories map an extended ontology of ‘material’.

Breathing in wild nature - the common life systems of a green-blue planet

Domestic means - Provisioning and curating stuff that is 'tamed', to meet the needs of commoners: generating 'second nature'.

Digital means - Living well among golems. Being somewhere wise and skilful, with attempts to implement ' a view from nowhere'


Here we outline families of patterns in the 'machineries' that intermediate provision in the real economy.

Machineries of access - Bourgeois law constructs individuals, destroys community. Law and lawgiving for the commons, by commoners: stewarding in commons of commons.

Machineries of fairtrade - Fairtrade as trade, per se.

Machineries of rescue - The most basic provision for care, in the face of real and present danger.


Here we sketch three boundary-crossing fields of practice with relationships that are problematic enough - 'pathologies of stuff' - to warrant particular attention in the making of living economy.

Waste - Countering over-consumption, sheer carelessness

Nano - Becoming very circumspect with micro-manipulations that produce materials and processes with magically un-natural reach and durability.

Prosthesis & symbiosis - Coming into relationship with healthy, unhealthy & inescapable dependencies on stuff

--- ¿200 Organising a real economy - PATTERN DESCRIPTION - to be added xxx

DOT FROM preview-next-diagram STATIC strict digraph {rankdir=LR node [style=filled fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=black fontname="Helvetica"] "Narrative flow - The foprop weave" node [style=filled fillcolor=lightblue] node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=3 color=black] "Narrative flow - The foprop weave" -> "Pattern families @ foprop" "Narrative flow - The foprop weave" -> "Making the living economy - the foprop weave" "Narrative flow - The foprop weave" -> "Why narrative frame?" "Narrative flow - The foprop weave" -> "Making a living economy - Narrative frame" "Narrative flow - The foprop weave" -> "Beyond fragments - A fourfold dance" "Narrative flow - The foprop weave" -> "Evolving structures of feeling" "Narrative flow - The foprop weave" -> "Subsistence and wellbeing" "Narrative flow - The foprop weave" -> "Making the movements capable" "Narrative flow - The foprop weave" -> "Reach over the horizon" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "Why narrative frame?" "Why narrative frame?" -> "Chris Alexander" "Why narrative frame?" -> "Evolving structures of feeling" "Why narrative frame?" -> "We are engaged" "Why narrative frame?" -> "Blessed unrest in the face of clear and present danger" "Why narrative frame?" -> "Beyond fragments - A fourfold dance" "Why narrative frame?" -> "Chris Alexander" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "Making a living economy - Narrative frame" "Making a living economy - Narrative frame" -> "We are engaged" "Making a living economy - Narrative frame" -> "Blessed unrest in the face of clear and present danger" "Making a living economy - Narrative frame" -> "Beyond fragments - A fourfold dance" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "Beyond fragments - A fourfold dance" "Beyond fragments - A fourfold dance" -> "Evolving structures of feeling" "Beyond fragments - A fourfold dance" -> "Subsistence and wellbeing" "Beyond fragments - A fourfold dance" -> "Making the movements capable" "Beyond fragments - A fourfold dance" -> "Reach over the horizon" "Beyond fragments - A fourfold dance" -> "Evolving structures of feeling" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "Evolving structures of feeling" "Evolving structures of feeling" -> "Living gracefully within the doughnut" "Evolving structures of feeling" -> "The balance of skill & impulse" "Evolving structures of feeling" -> "Curating & enjoying commons" "Evolving structures of feeling" -> "Contribution & livelihood" "Evolving structures of feeling" -> "Reparation & reconciliation" "Evolving structures of feeling" -> "Equanimity, grace & poise in the struggle" "Evolving structures of feeling" -> "Transverse practice, weaving pluriverse" "Evolving structures of feeling" -> "Peace, violence, beauty" "Evolving structures of feeling" -> "¿100 Work in emotional commons" "Evolving structures of feeling" -> "Subsistence and wellbeing" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "Subsistence and wellbeing" "Subsistence and wellbeing" -> "Breathing in wild nature" "Subsistence and wellbeing" -> "Domestic means" "Subsistence and wellbeing" -> "Digital means" "Subsistence and wellbeing" -> "Machineries of exchange & contribution" "Subsistence and wellbeing" -> "Machineries of provisioning" "Subsistence and wellbeing" -> "Machineries of access" "Subsistence and wellbeing" -> "Machineries of fairtrade" "Subsistence and wellbeing" -> "Machineries of rescue" "Subsistence and wellbeing" -> "Waste" "Subsistence and wellbeing" -> "Nano" "Subsistence and wellbeing" -> "Prosthesis & symbiosis" "Subsistence and wellbeing" -> "¿200 Organising a real economy" "Subsistence and wellbeing" -> "Making the movements capable" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "Making the movements capable" "Making the movements capable" -> "Design of design" "Making the movements capable" -> "Podding - Curating & mobilising patterns" "Making the movements capable" -> "Dance of knowing & facilitation" "Making the movements capable" -> "Festival & visiting" "Making the movements capable" -> "Pattern language(ing) & wiki(ing)" "Making the movements capable" -> "Mirrors" "Making the movements capable" -> "Dance of DisCO" "Making the movements capable" -> "Participatory budgeting" "Making the movements capable" -> "Funding" "Making the movements capable" -> "¿300 Knowing and being capable in the collective" "Making the movements capable" -> "Reach over the horizon" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "Reach over the horizon" "Reach over the horizon" -> "College(ing)" "Reach over the horizon" -> "City in the doughnut" "Reach over the horizon" -> "Bioregion" "Reach over the horizon" -> "Grandchildren & elders" "Reach over the horizon" -> "Commons of commons" "Reach over the horizon" -> "Protocol commons" "Reach over the horizon" -> "Infrastructuring & federating" "Reach over the horizon" -> "Uneven development" "Reach over the horizon" -> "Dual power" "Reach over the horizon" -> "Deep time, life time, sufficiency" "Reach over the horizon" -> "News from elsewhere" "Reach over the horizon" -> "Reporting" "Reach over the horizon" -> "¿400 Engaging beyond knowable community" node [style="filled,rounded,dotted" fillcolor=white] edge [style=dotted] "Narrative flow - The foprop weave" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Narrative flow - The foprop weave"}