The practice of making a living economy rests in the foundational commitment of 'blessed unrest' in the mutual sector - global civil society, in its economic aspect - in the face of clear and present danger. We recognise the scope of the challenge in terms of four 'zones of reach' for activist practice: care work, subsistence work, formación work, stewarding work. Zone: ¿1care Landscape: §3aesthetic Family: Unrest
> This is a stub xxx
These zones of reach range through:
Work in emotional commons - Care work - intimately **in-here**. Care work, engaging in-here (and in all the myriad in-heres, out-there) Zone ¿1 - In-here (care work)
Organising a real economy - the everyday materiality of **here**. Subsistence work, within the doughnut. Zone ¿2 - Here (subsistence work)
Knowing & being capable in the collective - the transhistorical and multi-local 'we' of others, in many cultural formations, who share aspects of these same concerns. Formación work: sustaining and mobilising **we**. Zone ¿3 - We (formación work)
Engaging beyond knowable community - the problematic and profoundly intractable zone of relationships 'over the horizon', in many future times and present regions. Stewarding work. Zone ¿4 - Region (stewarding work)
Next: Zones of reach
DOT FROM preview-next-diagram STATIC strict digraph {rankdir=LR node [style=filled fillcolor=lightyellow penwidth=3 color=black fontname="Helvetica"] "Making the living economy - the foprop weave" node [style=filled fillcolor=lightblue] "Making the living economy - the foprop weave" -> "A living economy" node [style=filled fillcolor=white] "A living economy" "A living economy" -> "A practice of formación" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=3 color=black] "Making the living economy - the foprop weave" -> "Invitation - Nov 2023" "Making the living economy - the foprop weave" -> "Pattern language(ng)" "Making the living economy - the foprop weave" -> "A college of conviviality" "Making the living economy - the foprop weave" -> "Pattern families @ foprop" "Making the living economy - the foprop weave" -> "A living economy" "Making the living economy - the foprop weave" -> "A practice of formación" "Making the living economy - the foprop weave" -> "A politics of production" "Making the living economy - the foprop weave" -> "An intention of justice" "Making the living economy - the foprop weave" -> "An aspiration for peace" "Making the living economy - the foprop weave" -> "Regime change - Dual power" "Making the living economy - the foprop weave" -> "A framework - The foprop weave" "Making the living economy - the foprop weave" -> "Tactical selection of issues" "Making the living economy - the foprop weave" -> "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" "Making the living economy - the foprop weave" -> "Sources and inspirations" "Making the living economy - the foprop weave" -> "A living economy" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "Invitation - Nov 2023" "Invitation - Nov 2023" -> "Formación work" "Invitation - Nov 2023" -> "Commoning" "Invitation - Nov 2023" -> "Dual power" "Invitation - Nov 2023" -> "Digital means" "Invitation - Nov 2023" -> "Aesthetic landscape" "Invitation - Nov 2023" -> "Rowbotham Segal Wainwright" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "A living economy" "A living economy" -> "'Robinistas' - Work of Robin Murray and associates" "A living economy" -> "Shadow work" "A living economy" -> "Ivan Illich" "A living economy" -> "The professional-managerial class" "A living economy" -> "Ivan Illich" "A living economy" -> "Post-development" "A living economy" -> "Non-state formations" "A living economy" -> "Politics of commoning" "A living economy" -> "Solidarity economy" "A living economy" -> "Grassroots economic organising" "A living economy" -> "Solidarity economy principles and practices" "A living economy" -> "Work on alternative economic regimes" "A living economy" -> "JK Gibson-Graham" "A living economy" -> "Global tapestries of alternatives" "A living economy" -> "Digital infrastructure in the commons" "A living economy" -> "A practice of formación" "A living economy" -> "Forces of production, relations of production" "A living economy" -> "A practice of formación" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "A practice of formación" "A practice of formación" -> "Robin Murray" "A practice of formación" -> "A politics of production" "A practice of formación" -> "Zone ¿3 - We (formación work)" "A practice of formación" -> "Zone ¿2 - Here (subsistence work)" "A practice of formación" -> "Zone ¿1 - In-here (care work)" "A practice of formación" -> "Zone ¿4 - Region (stewarding work)" "A practice of formación" -> "Raymond Williams" "A practice of formación" -> "Murray 2009 DaO" "A practice of formación" -> "Robin Murray" "A practice of formación" -> "A politics of production" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "A politics of production" "A politics of production" -> "zones of reach" "A politics of production" -> "Zone ¿3 - We (formación work)" "A politics of production" -> "Zone ¿2 - Here (subsistence work)" "A politics of production" -> "Zone ¿1 - In-here (care work)" "A politics of production" -> "Zone ¿4 - Region (stewarding work)" "A politics of production" -> "An intention of justice" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "An intention of justice" "An intention of justice" -> "Tactics in the foprop project" "An intention of justice" -> "Zones of reach" "An intention of justice" -> "An aspiration for peace" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "An aspiration for peace" "An aspiration for peace" -> "Tactics in the foprop project" "An aspiration for peace" -> "The force that is not violence" "An aspiration for peace" -> "Regime change - Dual power" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "Regime change - Dual power" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "A framework - The foprop weave" "A framework - The foprop weave" -> "Landscapes of practice" "A framework - The foprop weave" -> "Material landscape - §1" "A framework - The foprop weave" -> "Cultural landscape - §2" "A framework - The foprop weave" -> "Aesthetic landscape - §3" "A framework - The foprop weave" -> "Zones of reach" "A framework - The foprop weave" -> "Zone ¿1 - In-here (care work)" "A framework - The foprop weave" -> "Zone ¿2 - Here (subsistence work)" "A framework - The foprop weave" -> "Zone ¿3 - We (formación work)" "A framework - The foprop weave" -> "Zone ¿4 - Region (stewarding work)" "A framework - The foprop weave" -> "The foprop weave - A container" "A framework - The foprop weave" -> "Tactical selection of issues" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "Tactical selection of issues" "Tactical selection of issues" -> "Tactics in the foprop project" "Tactical selection of issues" -> "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Pattern families @ foprop" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Blessed unrest in the face of clear and present danger" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Paul Hawken" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Seven Rs of mutual sector commitment" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Rescue" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Resistance" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Wild commons" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Deepening capacities of the heart" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Reparation & reconciliation" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "110 Living gracefully within the doughnut" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "180 Transverse practice, weaving pluriverse" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "210 Breathing in wild nature" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "2B0 Prosthesis & symbiosis" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "4B0 Deep time, life time, sufficiency" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Seven Rs of mutual sector commitment" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Landscapes of practice" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Material existence - Out-there and in-here" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Zones of reach" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "The foprop weave - A container" "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" -> "Blessed unrest in the face of clear and present danger" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "Sources and inspirations" "Sources and inspirations" -> "Tactics in the foprop project" "Sources and inspirations" -> "Pattern families @ foprop" "Sources and inspirations" -> "Narrative frame - Making a living economy" "Sources and inspirations" -> "Dual power - Altered relations of production" "Sources and inspirations" -> "Seven Rs - Pluriverse in the foprop weave" "Sources and inspirations" -> "Infrastructuring, powers and care" "Sources and inspirations" -> "Tools for conviviality" "Sources and inspirations" -> "Contribution in the commons" "Sources and inspirations" -> "Curating and enjoying the commons" "Sources and inspirations" -> "Digital means" node [style=filled fillcolor=white penwidth=1 color=black] "A living economy" "A living economy" -> "'Robinistas' - Work of Robin Murray and associates" "A living economy" -> "Shadow work" "A living economy" -> "Ivan Illich" "A living economy" -> "The professional-managerial class" "A living economy" -> "Ivan Illich" "A living economy" -> "Post-development" "A living economy" -> "Non-state formations" "A living economy" -> "Politics of commoning" "A living economy" -> "Solidarity economy" "A living economy" -> "Grassroots economic organising" "A living economy" -> "Solidarity economy principles and practices" "A living economy" -> "Work on alternative economic regimes" "A living economy" -> "JK Gibson-Graham" "A living economy" -> "Global tapestries of alternatives" "A living economy" -> "Digital infrastructure in the commons" "A living economy" -> "A practice of formación" "A living economy" -> "Forces of production, relations of production" "A living economy" -> "A practice of formación" node [style="filled,rounded,dotted" fillcolor=white] edge [style=dotted] "Making the living economy - the foprop weave" "Welcome Visitors" -> "Making the living economy - the foprop weave"}